The readings for Lent this year are the oldest set of
readings in the Christian church. It was
used in the days of old to prepare catechumens for baptism. In those days, it takes two years before a
catechumen could be baptised and the liturgy for Lent includes scrutinies of
The readings for Lent are structured as a journey, a journey
of faith not just for the catechumens but for all the faithful as we prepare to
renew our baptismal cleansing at Easter.
The journey begins with the testing of Jesus in the desert
on the first Sunday of Lent. On the
second Sunday, we see the desired goal of our Lenten journey. The readings used for the third to fifth
Sundays focus on baptismal themes: water, light and life.
We end our Lenten series with the telling of the Passion
story on Palm Sunday.
Sunday in Lent
of the world
Points to note
imagery used for this series of Sundays starting last week centres around the
baptism. For this Sunday, the imagery is
that of light. (Last week's was water and next week is life) You may wish to have a
candle as the centrepiece during your session, but it must not be used as
symbolic of anything. Do not light it as
the light of Christ. Do not light it for
the reading. Do not light the Paschal
candle. Anticipating the symbolism of
Easter will only dilute the impact of the Easter midnight mass. Use the candle only to illustrate the ideas
that you are trying to get across. You
may use last year’s Paschal candle.
second reading in the Missal is not that easy to follow. I have greatly simplified the language so
that even adults can follow it. The
reading, like many of Paul’s letters, deal with concepts. Fortunately, the concepts are quite basic and
can be quite easily reduced to common everyday occurrence.
Acclamation before the
There is no acclamation as the Gospel is not read.
Explain to the children that Paul often
writes letters to his friends to teach them about Jesus and to encourage them
when they have problems. In this
reading, he is writing to his friends in the Greek town of Ephesus, who were so
proud of the letter that they circulated it among the other Christian communities
nearby. This is one of the letters Paul
wrote from prison.
As the Gospel is not read, the sign of
the cross is omitted but the introductory dialogue (i.e., the Lord be with
you...) may be used.
Reading from the letter of St Paul to his friends in Ephesus
(Ep 5:
were darkness once, but now you are light in the Lord;
be like children of light, for the effects of light
are seen in perfect goodness.
to discover what God wants you to do,
have nothing to do with the works of darkness.
Things that are done in darkness are things people are
ashamed of;
anything exposed by the light will be lit up,
anything lit will turn into light.
is why it is said:[1]
Wake up
from your sleep,
rise from
the dead,
and Christ
will shine on you.
is the Word of the Lord
Have you noticed what happens if there is no
light? Discuss the effect on
the world if there is no light. Nobody
can see anything. Anybody can get away
with anything. No one can trust anyone
else. Nobody can know anything. Nobody can learn anything.
now that there is a little light. Have
you noticed that there only need to be a little bit of light in the room, for
there to be not one spot in the room that will be in total darkness. Discuss the fact that light drives out
darkness. Discuss the effect on the room
if there are many mirrors to reflect the light.
Does everybody like the
light? Do criminals like the light or
would they prefer to work in the darkness?
Discuss what Paul meant when he said “Things that are done in darkness are things people are ashamed of”.
calls us ‘children of light’. Who
therefore do you think is the ‘father of light’? Discuss that all light comes from
God. We call Jesus the ‘light of the
world’. Discuss that we are not the
light, but we only reflect whatever light we get from Jesus.
are the uses of light? Discuss
how light brings knowledge as we can see things and learn about the world.
Explain the symbolic significance of
light at the Easter midnight mass. In
fact, the first part of the mass is known as the Liturgy of the Light, when the
paschal candle is lit. ‘Paschal’ is
another word for ‘Easter’. You may show
them last year’s paschal candle. All
paschal candles will have the same symbols: the alpha α and the omega Ω (the first and the last letters in the Greek
alphabet); the
cross; and the year.
During the blessing of the candle, the
priest traces all these symbols on the candle, and if you listen carefully, he
will be reading them as he prays the blessings.
The blessed candle is then used to bless the water for baptism. (We discussed that last week.) The light from the paschal candle is then
used to light the little candles we will be holding during the mass. Throughout
the season of Easter, the paschal candle will be lit every time the Gospel
reading is read. It is our way of saying
that we are enlightened every time Jesus, i.e., the Gospel, comes to us.
[1] This is an
extract of a very early Christian hymn, probably sung during baptism when the
newly baptised neophyte emerges from the baptismal waters.
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