Year B
Seventeenth Ordinary Sunday
Helping at mass
Points to note
This week’s reading starts off a series of readings
centred around the account of the feeding of the five thousand in Jn. For the next five weeks, the readings will be
laden with theological themes of: the feeding (Sunday 17); true bread (Sunday
18); the person of Jesus (Sunday 19); Jesus as bread (Sunday 20); and accepting
Jesus (Sunday 21).
While it makes sense to present them in such a cycle
to adults, it is very difficult for children.
I have therefore interpreted it as: preparing the meal (Sunday 17); what
we eat (Sunday 18); who we eat with (Sunday 19); the wider church who shares
the bread (Sunday 20); and what to do after the meal (Sunday 21).
In all instances, it is important to emphasise the
personal and the everyday occurrences that children encounter at meals and
parallel them with the meal for their spiritual world.
Gospel Acclamation
Your words are spirit, Lord,
and they are life;
you have the message of eternal life.
A Reading from the Holy
Gospel according to St John
(Jn 6: 1-15)
Jesus went off to the other side of the Sea of
Galilee and a large crowd followed him, impressed by the signs he gave by
curing the sick. Jesus climbed the
hillside, and sat down there with his disciples, it was shortly before the
Jewish feast of Passover.
Looking up, Jesus saw the crowds approaching and said
to Philip, “Where can we buy some bread for these people to eat?” He only said this to test Philip; he himself
knew what he was going to do. Philip
answered, “Two thousand ringgit would only buy enough to give them a small
piece each.” One of his disciples,
Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother, said, “There is a small boy here with five
barley loaves and two fish; but what is that between so many?” Jesus said to them, “Make the people sit
down.” There were plenty of grass there
and as many as five thousand men sat down.
Then Jesus took the loaves, gave thanks, and gave them out to all who
were sitting ready; he then did the same with the fish, giving out as much as
was wanted. When they had eaten enough
he said to the disciples, “Pick up the pieces left over, so that nothing gets
wasted.” So they picked them up, and
filled twelve baskets with scraps left over from the meal of five barley
loaves. The people, seeing the signs
that he had given, said, “This really is the prophet who is to come into the
world.” Jesus, who could see they were
about to come and take him by force and make him king, escaped back into the
hills by himself.
This is the Gospel of the Lord
Has anyone helped prepare a meal before? Get everyone into the preparation of a
meal, even if they have never helped in one.
What would they have expected if someone else had prepared a meal: table set, food cooked, plates cleaned,
etc. Do a list of what needs to be done
to prepare if necessary.
Who helps with preparing the meal? Do you?
Talk about situations where the meal is to celebrate someone’s
birthday or to welcome someone from far away.
Are they more likely to help? Are
they more likely to help if it is a birthday for someone they like?
Doesn’t the family of God also have a meal
together? Yes, the mass. Draw parallels between the family at home
and the family of God. There is a dining
table (the altar table) with a table-cloth over it (the altar cloth). There is food on the table (the bread and
wine) and lots of diners (the congregation).
There are also people who have helped in preparing the mass just like
people who helped prepare the meal at home.
Discuss the people who help prepare the mass:
cleaning lady cleans up the church.
gets the priest’s vestments cleaned.
are altar ladies who arrange flowers at the altar.
priest prepares the sermon and the prayers.
choir selects the songs and practises them.
practise the readings.
commentators go through their sheets.
ministers prepare to handle the holy hosts.
sacristan ensures enough bread and wine.
makes sure that the sound system works.
boys put out the sacred vessels and the candles.
girls who project get their slides ready.
help people to their places.
there is a co-ordinator who makes sure that all the above happens.
What about us? How do we prepare for mass? We make sure we have been good and have made
peace with the people around us before we approach God’s altar; we say our
before mass; we read the readings before mass to
familiarise ourselves with the mass before it starts.
Most importantly, we make sure that we come to the
meal clean and as this is a spiritual meal, we have to be spiritually
clean. Discuss hwo we do that.
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