Year A
Solemnity of Christ
the King
Kingdom of Christ
to note
In every Catholic church
in the world, there is that big crucifix in the middle. A crucifix differs from a cross by having
Jesus on it. Catholic crucifixes also
have that little note containing the letters “INRI” at the top. It stands for “Iesu Nazarene Rex Idumea”,
which means “Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews” in Latin. This was what Pilate wrote as the crimes to
Jesus, to be nailed on top of the cross.
It is ironic that Pilate in putting up what he thought is the false
assertion of a condemned man, has spoken a truth that echoed through the
centuries since.
In Year A, we have
discussed Jesus role as a judge (one of the roles of a king) and in Year B, the
nature of kingship. So, in Year C, we
reconcile our membership in both our secular country and our spiritual kingdom.
Acclamation before the
Alleluia, alleluia!
Blessings on him who comes in the name of the
on the coming kingdom of our father David!
that today is the last Sunday of the Church year and next week we start the
season of Advent of a new cycle. This reading
takes place when Jesus was dying on the cross.
Lord be with you.
All: And
also with your spirit.
Reading from the Holy Gospel according to St Luke
All: Glory
to you O Lord
(Lk 23:35-43)
The people stayed there before the cross
watching Jesus. As for the leaders, they jeered at him. ‘He saved others,’ they
said ‘let him save himself if he is the Christ of God, the Chosen One.’ The
soldiers mocked him too, and when they approached to offer vinegar they said,
‘If you are the king of the Jews, save yourself.’ Above him there was an
inscription: ‘This is the King of the Jews.’
of the criminals hanging there abused him. ‘Are you not the Christ?’ he said.
‘Save yourself and us as well.’ But the other spoke up and rebuked him. ‘Have
you no fear of God at all?’ he said. ‘You got the same sentence as he did, but
in our case we deserved it: we are paying for what we did. But this man has
done nothing wrong. Jesus,’ he said ‘remember me when you come into your
kingdom.’ ‘Indeed, I promise you,’ he replied ‘today you will be with me in
This is the Good News of
the Lord
What country do we belong
to? Discuss
your country and you may want to take the opportunity to impart a bit of civil
knowledge, particularly if the country and the nation are different for you.
How did you become a
citizen of your country and how do you prove that you are a citizen? Most of
us were citizens when we were born in the country but some were naturalised
(meaning, changed citizenship from another country). Many countries have
identity cards but at minimum all countries have passports that you can use to
show which country you are from. (NB:
citizenship documents are sometimes too complicated to explain to children).
What does the country do
for you and what do you need to do in return?
The country protects us all &
our rights and provides an environment for us to live our way of life with our
family, community and church. In return,
we have to pay our taxes, follow the laws of the country and are obliged to
defend it, our identity and our way of life (way of life, not necessary our
government, our food or our football team).
This is known as the social contract.
Do you know we are
citizens of another country? A country
whose king is not of this world. Explain that we are citizens of God’s
kingdom. Explain that Jesus is a king
and what Pilate wrote on the cross. Show
the children a crucifix with the INRI on it.
What does God’s kingdom do
for us and what do we do for God’s kingdom? Just like our country, God’s kingdom also
protect us but in the afterlife. It also
provides faith for us to understand ourselves, love to live with our neighbours
and hope for the peace in God’s kingdom in the afterlife. At the same time, we have to be willing to
defend God’s kingdom and our right to our way of life as Christians.
How do we join God’s
kingdom and how we prove we are citizens?
You may want to spend a bit more
time here. We join God’s kingdom when we
get baptised. But our baptism has to be
sincere and God may not accept our membership in his kingdom if we do not mean
it. So our conversion and our acceptance
of Jesus as King has to be true.
a way unlike out country, you can never be born into God’s kingdom but will
always be naturalised. We will always
have to apply to join and our membership is always dependant on whether he
thinks we have been true to the values of the kingdom
or not – it is never a sure thing unlike our citizenship of our country, which
can never be taken away.
sometimes like the Prodigal Son, we wander out of God’s kingdom and we lose
God’s protection. We get upset and are
no longer calm until we return to God’s kingdom. And until we return, we will not be under
God’s protection.
prove that we are citizens of God’s kingdom by the way we live our lives. We show that we are Christians by loving each
other and forgive anyone who offends us.
What other ways can the children come up with?
with anything else, draw the parallels with the secular examples so that the
children can identify with it.
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