Year A
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Telling the truth
to note
This reading is still part
of the Sermon on the Mount. The long
version of the reading for this Sunday is 5:17-37. There are a lot of messages in the long
reading, which can be rather confusing and so, I have chosen the shorter
reading instead. This will focus us onto
two individual messages: (i) that the Christian lives by rules that are
sometimes opposite to what the world thinks is good; and (ii) about swearing.
The first message will
dealt with in more detail next week. So,
we will focus on the second one: swearing.
This is not about swearing as in using an expletive in anger, but more
about promises to tell the truth.
Swearing to tell the truth is so much a part of modern living that the
message from the Sermon on the Mount may be confusing for children, or even
adults. You see people swearing to tell
the truth in court, and even the American President being sworn into office
using a Bible.
Perhaps, we can keep away
from the idea of swearing and more the idea behind swearing – we want people to
swear because we do not trust them to tell the truth. Swearing using a religious symbol only
reinforces the credibility, which the Gospel tells us is unnecessary.
Acclamation before the
Alleluia! Alleluia!
Speak, Lord, your servant
is listening:
you have the message of
eternal life.
that we are still with the Sermon on the Mount.
The Lord be with you.
All: And also with your spirit.
A Reading from the Holy Gospel according to St
All: Glory to you O Lord
(Mt 5: 20-22,
33-34, 37)
Jesus said, “For I tell
you, if your virtue goes no deeper than that of the scribes and Pharisees, you
will never get into the kingdom of heaven.
You have learnt how it is said to our ancestors: You must not kill; and
if anyone does kill he must answer for it before the court. But if I say this to you: anyone who is angry
with his brother will answer for it before the court.
“Again, you have learnt
how was said to our ancestors: You must not break your oath, but must fulfil
your oaths to the Lord. But I say this
to you: do not swear at all. All you
need to say is ‘Yes’ if you mean yes, ‘No’ if you mean no; anything more than
this comes from the evil one.”
This is the Word of the
What is lying? Do you lie?
If you say no, that would be a lie
in itself. Are all lies the same? Some
untruths are part of a joke, and if it is obvious it is not true, it is
OK. If the intention is to deceive, then
it is not. Let’s not talk about white
lies and devious lies, as some children may not be able to differentiate
between seriousness of the impact of lies.
What if there is someone
who tells lies often, would you trust anything he says? What if he is telling the truth for
once? Would people still believe
him? What if everyone is like that? Would you like to be in a group like that?
Discuss what kind of world that would be.
In many places, people have
to use God’s name to convince people that they are truthful when they make
promises. Give examples like people swearing on the Bible in court. How would you feel if your mom and dad do not
believe you unless they use a Bible every time you speak?
Would you prefer that
people believe you just because you said so, and not because you used God’s
name? Discuss how we can build a credibility that people can believe in. Have a reputation for being truthful. How?
Never ever tell lies is one; being faithful to God’s other teachings is
another; always be doing whatever you say you would and not do whatever you say
you would not do. It really is about
building up a reputation as a person, and not just a reputation for not lying.
Younger children
You may wish to talk to them
about Pinocchio and what happened when he lied.
What happened in
the end? He became a real boy. Explain that he became a real boy when he
told the truth and he was sincere.
Explain that truth and sincerity goes together. If you say something without sincerity, it is
as good as lying – maybe even worse if you are using the truth to mislead. If
you are asked to elaborate, limit your answer to simple examples (when someone took
the cookie and was asked by mommy whether he/she has eaten the cookie before he/she ate it and the
person replied “no”) – you don’t want to be the one to teach this lesson to the
Older children
You may want to discuss what
a lie is. Would telling jokes be lying? No, there is no intention to deceive. What about flattery? And white lies?
That’s a tough one. Depends on
the situation I guess, which is why I limit the discussion to the older
ones. What about lying to defend
something good, like the church. I would
think not (no need to explain clerical child abuse here).
watching: Invention of Lying
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